Document Details

Document Type : Article In Journal 
Document Title :
Petrochemistry of Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks of CY -4 Drill-Hole, Cyprus Crustal Study Project
بتروكيميائية الصخور المافية وفوق المافية للحفرة التنقبية قبرص 4 مشروع دراسة القشرة القبرصية
Subject : Earth Sciences 
Document Language : English 
Abstract : This paper is a result of study and investigation of 45 samples collected, at 50 meter intervals, from CY -4 drill hole of the Cyprus Crustal Study Project, to confirm, on basis of petrographic studies and chemical analysis, the classification of the Troodos Ophiolite suite and the terminology of the rock units. Troodos complex comprises a Cretaceous ideal ophiolite suite. Drill hole CY -4, located in the southeastern part of the complex, penetrates through sheeted dikes, gabbroic rocks, and ultramafic cumulates. The rock sequence of the drill hole could be broadly classified into: I) a diabasic zone representing the sheeted dikes, (9.85m-483.5Om), 2) a zone of mixture of sheeted dikes and gabbros, (483.5Om-837.45m), 3) massive gabbro zone, (837.45m-1346.8Om), 4) cumulate gabbro zone, (1346.8Om-1754.10m)a, nd 5) ultramafic zone consisting essentially of clinopyroxenite, websterite and dunite, (1754.10m-2263m). The studied samples can be divided chemically into mafic and ultramafic groups which correspond closely to the petrographic classification. Mafic magmatic rocks are generally oversaturated tholeiites. Trace element contents are similar to those expected from such rock suites. Chemical characteristics of the ultramafic rocks indicate a cumulate origin consistent with previous investigations. 
ISSN : 1012-8832 
Journal Name : Earth Sciences Journal 
Volume : 1 
Issue Number : 1 
Publishing Year : 1408 AH
1988 AD
Number Of Pages : 14 
Article Type : Article 
Added Date : Sunday, October 11, 2009 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
محمد عمر نصيف M. O. NASSIEFResearcher  
حسن محمد علي H. M. ALlResearcher  


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